
ACA Stands (for Now): Takeaways from the Repeal and Replace Roller Coaster

July 28, 2017

For now, the ACA remains. Credit goes to all the community voices, advocates, and experts who kept the pressure on elected officials and continued to call out the very real threats the proposals represented. Here for consideration are some takeaways from the admittedly chaotic “repeal and replace” process.

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Fact Sheet, July 2017 – Summary of the Better Care Reconciliation Act

July 25, 2017

On July 13, 2017 Senate Republican leaders released a revised discussion draft of the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA). The changes made in this version of the Senate proposal do not substantively change the basic features of the original BCRA proposal. The discussion draft leaves in place the dramatic restructuring of the federal Medicaid program. […]

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The Common Theme of Pending Senate Health Reform Bills? Dramatic Increases in the Number of Uninsured

July 23, 2017

As of this writing, multiple discussion drafts of potential legislation to repeal or rollback the federal Affordable Care Act (ACA) are pending in the U.S. Senate. All the bills result in dramatic increases in the number of uninsured over the next ten years.

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Revised Senate Health Reform Continues to Threaten Coverage for Millions

July 14, 2017

On July 13, 2017 Senate Republican leaders released a revised discussion draft of the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA). The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) concluded the original BCRA ultimately strips coverage from more than 22 million Americans.

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State Medicaid Agency Finds Staggering Losses for California Under U.S. Senate Bill

June 29, 2017

The magnitude of the state funding gap created by the BCRA threatens every part of the Medi-Cal program – provider payments, eligibility and benefits. The bill threatens California’s progress in reducing the uninsured and improving the health of Californians.

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Fact Sheet, June 2017 – Year-by-Year Impacts of the Senate Better Care Reconciliation Act

June 27, 2017

According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the Senate Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA) of 2017 strips insurance coverage from 22 million Americans by 2026, a similar result as the House-passed American Health Care Act (AHCA). This ITUP Fact Sheet shows the year-by-year policy changes that eventually lead to dramatic waive of uninsured Americans. Download […]

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U.S. Senate Discussion Draft Continues Path to Increasing the Uninsured

June 23, 2017

On June 22, 2017, Senate Republicans released a discussion draft of legislation that would undo key provisions of the ACA. The BCRA would slow the timeline for some changes to ACA, but includes deeper cuts to Medicaid.

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Meeting the Health Needs of the Immigrant Community In Uncertain Times

June 14, 2017

This fact sheet provides information on California’s immigrant community, the barriers they face to access health care, and California policies promoting access and/or coverage for all residents, regardless of immigration status.

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