Uninsured / Underinsured
ITUP Essential Health Benefits Legislative Toolkit
February 26, 2025
EHBs ensure that all Covered California health plans provide a standardized level of care, protecting individuals and families from gaps in coverage.
Read MoreExploring Public Options in California
March 20, 2018
This ITUP report looks at public plan choice, the “public option,” through a California lens. ITUP identifies the unique circumstances in California relevant for the discussion about public options and outlines how a California public option might be structured.
Read MoreNotes from the Field: Immigrant Communities in California Under the Cloud of Immigration Enforcement
February 14, 2018
In 2017, ITUP hosted annual workgroups throughout California, 10 regional workgroups and two collaboratives in Los Angeles. This report includes background on the legal complexities at the intersection of immigration policy and health access, and highlights key themes from the workgroup discussions.
Read MoreHealth Care Reform: 2017 Year-In-Review
January 7, 2018
Because California embraced the opportunities available under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), 2017 began and ended with California reaching historic low rates of uninsured. The timeline below reviews notable health reform events for 2017 and includes links to source documents and related ITUP publications.
Read MoreCalifornia Department of Health Care Services Confirms Graham-Cassidy Legislation Would Be Devastating for Health Care in California
September 25, 2017
On September 22, 2017, the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) released a fiscal analysis of pending Affordable Care Act (ACA) repeal legislation authored by U.S. Senators Graham, Cassidy, Heller and Johnson (Graham-Cassidy).
Read MoreFact Sheet November 2017 – Remaining Uninsured in California
September 13, 2017
California benefited more than most states from the Affordable Care Act (ACA) because California fully embraced the ACA opportunities to expand coverage and streamline enrollment and retention processes. This also means that California has the most at stake in federal efforts to repeal or rollback the ACA coverage expansions. In the years preceding the ACA, […]
Read MoreACA Stands (for Now): Takeaways from the Repeal and Replace Roller Coaster
July 28, 2017
For now, the ACA remains. Credit goes to all the community voices, advocates, and experts who kept the pressure on elected officials and continued to call out the very real threats the proposals represented. Here for consideration are some takeaways from the admittedly chaotic “repeal and replace” process.
Read MoreThe Common Theme of Pending Senate Health Reform Bills? Dramatic Increases in the Number of Uninsured
July 23, 2017
As of this writing, multiple discussion drafts of potential legislation to repeal or rollback the federal Affordable Care Act (ACA) are pending in the U.S. Senate. All the bills result in dramatic increases in the number of uninsured over the next ten years.
Read MoreState Medicaid Agency Finds Staggering Losses for California Under U.S. Senate Bill
June 29, 2017
The magnitude of the state funding gap created by the BCRA threatens every part of the Medi-Cal program – provider payments, eligibility and benefits. The bill threatens California’s progress in reducing the uninsured and improving the health of Californians.
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