Fact Sheets

Health Care Programs for California Immigrants (Updated)

July 19, 2019

This ITUP fact sheet reviews existing health care programs for immigrants in California. California generally provides better access to health care coverage for immigrants than most other states, including covering all children in Medi-Cal regardless of immigration status.

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Final 2019-20 State Budget Continues the Move Toward Universal Coverage

June 28, 2019

The final 2019-20 state budget (and related legislation) just signed by Governor Newsom moves California steps closer to universal coverage, improves coverage affordability in the individual market, and invests in system improvements in Medi-Cal, mental health services and services for homeless individuals.

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Snapshot: Remaining Uninsured in California (Updated)

May 15, 2019

According to the California Health Interview Survey (CHIS), in the years leading up to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the
uninsured rate among Californians under the age of 65 was approximately 16 percent.1 Implementation of the ACA
dramatically reduced the rate of uninsured to 8.4 percent, with approximately 3 million remaining uninsured in the state.2
This snapshot provides a quick overview of California’s remaining uninsured.

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ITUP Review of the 2019-20 Budget May Revision

May 14, 2019

This ITUP Legislative Update provides an overview of the May Revise and health and health-related proposals.

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2019 County Medically Indigent Care Programs

March 21, 2019

This version of ITUP Tracking provides an update to the ITUP 2017 Review of Medically Indigent Adult (MIA) programs administered by counties for low-income uninsured adults.

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2019-20 Introduced Legislation

March 4, 2019

The deadline for bill introduction in California’s 2019-20 legislative session was February 22, 2019. Before the deadline, the Legislature introduced 2,687 bills and resolutions including almost 1,000 health-related bills. This fact sheet offers a preliminary review of various bills affecting health care and coverage. View Document        

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Covered California Announces 2019 Enrollment

February 1, 2019

This week, Covered California, California’s Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplace, announced the results of the 2019 open enrollment season which ended on January 15, 2019. Data results show strong renewal rates but a significant drop in new enrollment. This blog potential causes of the drop and its implications.

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Governor Newsom’s First Budget: Health Care Highlights

January 11, 2019

In his first act as Governor of California, Gavin Newsom announced executive actions and budget proposals to expand health coverage and improve affordability, signaling health care as one of his top priorities. This blog highlights health care items in the Governor’s proposed budget.

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