Governmental Activities

Governor Newsom’s First Budget: Health Care Highlights

January 11, 2019

In his first act as Governor of California, Gavin Newsom announced executive actions and budget proposals to expand health coverage and improve affordability, signaling health care as one of his top priorities. This blog highlights health care items in the Governor’s proposed budget.

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Summary of 2018 Federal Rulemaking

January 10, 2019

This summary briefly describes key 2018 federal final rules, proposed rules and policy guidance.

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2018 Year-In-Review

January 10, 2019

The annual ITUP Year-In-Review chronicles month-by-month important state and federal health policy milestones.

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ITUP 2018 A Year-In-Review

January 9, 2019

The past year began and ended with ongoing federal efforts to invalidate or dismantle the Affordable Care Act contrasted with California’s continuing efforts to expand coverage and improve health care. These starkly different approaches at the state and federal level are outlined in the ITUP 2018 Year-In Review and the accompanying Summary of 2018 Federal Rulemaking.

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ITUP Issues Comments on Public Charge

December 4, 2018

In comments addressed to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Insure the Uninsured Project (ITUP) expressed deep concern with the proposed rule on public charge and urged DHS to withdraw the proposal.

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Final Results of the 2017-18 Legislative Session

October 23, 2018

Governor Brown signed into law most of the health bills sent to him by the Legislature this year. This blog summarizes legislation by topic and actions taken by the Governor, Chaptered (signed) or Vetoed.

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Final Results of the 2017-18 Legislative Session

October 1, 2018

Governor Brown signed into law most of the health bills sent to him by the Legislature this year. This blog summarizes legislation by topics and actions taken by the Governor, Chaptered (signed) or Vetoed.

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Health Bills Advance to the Governor’s Desk

September 4, 2018

Friday was the deadline for the California Legislature to pass legislation for the 2017-18 legislative cycle. The Assembly and Senate passed the following health bills; the Governor has until September 30 to act on the bills.

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