Coverage Programs

Health Insurance Basics

July 14, 2020

This ITUP Fact Sheet provides an overview of common sources of health insurance in California. Learn more about who qualifies for, pays for, and regulates these sources of health care coverage in the state.

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Health Care Coverage Options During COVID-19

May 19, 2020

This ITUP Fact Sheet provides an overview of what the health coverage landscape looked like before COVID-19 and how the pandemic has impacted coverage access in California.

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Newsom Administration Moves to Launch New Health Reform Commission

October 9, 2019

On September 26, 2019 the California Health and Human Services Agency (CHHS) released a Request-for-Proposal (RFP) for a vendor to provide project management services in support of the new Healthy California for All (HCFA) Commission. Pursuant to the 2019-20 state budget, the Commission is charged with developing options for a health care delivery system that “provides coverage and access through a unified financing system, including, but not limited to, a single-payer financing system, for all Californians.”

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Mapping the Future of Individual Health Insurance

May 19, 2019

Mapping the Future of Individual Health Insurance and the companion publication, Mapping the Future of Medi-Cal, following up on the 2019 ITUP conference, take an in-depth look at the issues for these two coverage options likely to engage policymakers and stakeholders.

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2019 County Medically Indigent Care Programs

March 21, 2019

This version of ITUP Tracking provides an update to the ITUP 2017 Review of Medically Indigent Adult (MIA) programs administered by counties for low-income uninsured adults.

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Covered California and Individual Health Insurance

March 12, 2019

Covered California and Individual Health Insurance is the newest ITUP Health Policy Essentials. Get the basics on California’s state-based exchange and the market for individual coverage.

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UPDATE: California Strategies: Covering California’s Remaining Uninsured and Improving Affordability

October 8, 2018

This updated issue brief analyzes policy proposals advanced in 2018 to move the state closer to universal coverage by focusing on the challenges many Californians face.

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New Report Highlights Continued Strength of Community Health Centers Under the Affordable Care Act

September 4, 2018

More than four years into implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), community health centers continue to play a prominent role in connecting consumers with health coverage despite recent federal reductions in ACA advertising funding, diminishing support for navigators, and a shortened open enrollment period.

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