ITUP Broadband and Connectivity Policy Forum

Thanks for Attending the Latest ITUP Policy Forum!

ITUP Policy Forums convene experts for state-level discussions related to health policy in California. ITUP Policy Forums are a unique opportunity to convene with health policy leaders to engage in constructive dialogue, problem-solving, and identification of creative policy solutions to today’s pressing California health policy topics. Event materials are posted below. 

Throughout the pandemic, ITUP heard from local health partners, those working directly with and in communities, how the digital divide was a major barrier to accessing care during the crisis—and remains a barrier to telehealth and other virtual care innovations.  

ITUP, in partnership with Connect Humanity and the Institute for Local Self Reliance, collaborated on a new virtual policy forum: Partnering for Success: Leveraging Telehealth as a Use Case for Community Broadband and Connectivity.

During this ITUP policy forum, speakers discussed the importance of expanding broadband to make telehealth utilization meaningful in a 21st-century health care system and offered an opportunity for partnership to use philanthropic funds to enhance connectivity and health in California.  

For questions or assistance, contact ITUP’s Director of Programs, Emili Cossio at 

Partnering for Success: Leveraging Telehealth as a Use Case for Community Broadband and Connectivity Materials

Webinar Recording and Slides:


ITUP Parterning for Success Forum Slides


Forum Agenda