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Publications View All

2024 Regional Health Coverage Fact Sheets

July 9, 2024

The “Coverage at a Glance” fact sheets include health coverage data with race/ethnicity breakdown of counties and among the uninsured.

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ITUP Legislative Toolkit -In Home Supportive Services (IHSS)

June 21, 2024

Shirley Lam, MPH, ITUP's Assistant Director of Policy, delivered a comprehensive overview of the IHSS program. Find her presentation here!

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What's New

This ITUP blog summarizes the final FY 2024-25 Budget Act and is the third in ITUP’s Budget Blog series in addition to Governor’s Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget Proposal and Governor’s FY 2024-25 Budget: Key Highlights in the May RevisionMore

The “Coverage at a Glance” fact sheets include health coverage data with race/ethnicity breakdown of counties and among the uninsured.More

ITUP Blog View All

ITUP Blog: Key Highlights in California’s Final FY 2024 – 25 Budget Act

July 12, 2024

This ITUP blog summarizes the final FY 2024-25 Budget Act and is the third in ITUP’s Budget Blog series in addition to Governor’s Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget Proposal and Governor’s FY 2024-25 Budget: Key Highlights in the May Revision

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ITUP Blog: Governor’s FY 2024-25 Budget: Key Highlights in the May Revision

May 17, 2024

Discover the key health and human services proposals in California's FY 2024-25 May Revise that ensure continued access to coverage for residents. Stay informed with ITUP’s highlights!

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ITUP Events View All

ITUP LA Health Collaborative -August 27, 2024 (In Person)

This event will highlight and discuss state-level health policy updates and do a deep dive into health workforce challenges and promising opportunities.

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ITUP Orange County Regional Equity Collaborative – August 28, 2024 (In Person)

ITUP will brings together regional health and health-related stakeholders who will share and discuss state-level health policy updates and do a deep dive into workforce challenges and promising opportunities in Orange County.

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2024 Virtual ITUP Regional Equity Collaboratives

Register Today for a Virtual ITUP Regional Equity Collaborative!

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