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Publications View All

ITUP Legislative Toolkit -In Home Supportive Services (IHSS)

June 21, 2024

Shirley Lam, MPH, ITUP's Assistant Director of Policy, delivered a comprehensive overview of the IHSS program. Find her presentation here!

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ITUP Legislative Toolkit: State Government 101

May 24, 2024

ITUP provides technical assistance, such as legislative training and policy toolkits, to help anyone engage with the California legislature.

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What's New

Shirley Lam, MPH, ITUP's Assistant Director of Policy, delivered a comprehensive overview of the IHSS program. Find her presentation here!More

ITUP provides technical assistance, such as legislative training and policy toolkits, to help anyone engage with the California legislature.More

ITUP Blog View All

ITUP Blog: Governor’s FY 2024-25 Budget: Key Highlights in the May Revision

May 17, 2024

Discover the key health and human services proposals in California's FY 2024-25 May Revise that ensure continued access to coverage for residents. Stay informed with ITUP’s highlights!

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ITUP Blog: 2024 Introduced Legislation

March 14, 2024

This blog summarizes introduced legislation that proposes solutions relating to ITUP’s three priority policy issues: health care coverage and access, delivery system transformation, and the future of health.

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ITUP Events View All

ITUP LA Health Collaborative -August 27, 2024 (In Person)

This event will highlight and discuss state-level health policy updates and do a deep dive into health workforce challenges and promising opportunities.

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ITUP Orange County Regional Equity Collaborative – August 28, 2024 (In Person)

ITUP will brings together regional health and health-related stakeholders who will share and discuss state-level health policy updates and do a deep dive into workforce challenges and promising opportunities in Orange County.

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2024 Virtual ITUP Regional Equity Collaboratives

Register Today for a Virtual ITUP Regional Equity Collaborative!

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